Sunday, March 11, 2012

Harry's Lonely Night

Two-for-one special today!  
     Saturday, March 10, 2012 - Shabbat Shalom!  They kept me up pretty late last night.  MrAZ and Christine decided to go to their friend Kim's house last night and forgot to bring me along...yep, she left me sitting here by the computer and didn't even leave it turned on for me.  Apparently, while they were there, ANOTHER friend, Dee, showed up with her 9 month old boy and you know where THAT got it...she played with that baby ALL NIGHT!  I guess he was pretty cute, though; she's still talking about how happy he is and how adorable his eyes are (she never talks about ME that way....but that's another story).  They took their newest toys with them (guess that explains why I  got left behind....) and there was quite the iPad/iPhone convention going on.  The elder Master "K" (8 going on 18) was able to teach everyone a few tricks, new applications were downloaded all around, and they all had themselves a rousing great time, I guess.  Again, I wasn't there, I was stuck here watching the clock till them came rolling in late and happy as can be!  
     So-o-o after all that, she went and got me up at the crack of dawn this morning (it's my story, I'll tell it the way I want!) just so she could enjoy the day off!  See that pot of coffee?  It's mine.  All mine.  No, I'm not sharing.  Get your own!  

     Friday, March 9, 2012 - We had a pretty busy day of running errands and MrAZ finally got tired of having issues with his new Droid3 already (4wks old.)  The first thing that we had noticed was that there were issues with the email accounts.  Then a couple of the core apps weren't working as smoothly as they did on his original Droid.  To top it off, the battery had about 1/4 the lifespan of the other Droid.  Not.good.  :-/   A quick call to Verizon verified things and we found ourselves at the local Verizon store exchanging his 4 week old Droid3 in on a sleek black iPhone4S.  He's MUCH, MUCH, MUCH happier.  Did I mention that he's a LOT happier with this phone than the Droid3?  
     About an hour after getting home from running all those errands there was a knock at the door.  It was my friendly FedEx man....he say's "What'd they do?  Forget to send a battery with it?"  :-D  Yep, it was the replacement battery for his Droid-I had been on the phone a few times with customer service trying to get the thing to behave right!  LOL  I'll be returning the battery to the Verizon store Monday.  I'm sure someone ELSE will be needing a battery for their new Droid! :-)  In the meantime, Harry is going to keep track of the box so it doesn't get misplaced in all my rearranging of Paul's office!  My final answer:  We LOVE Verizon's customer service.  They have always done right by us and whenever we call it's answered by someone here in the USofA!  :-)

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