Saturday, March 4, 2017

Passover Preparation with The Happy Planner

     Passover (Pesach) preparation can be somewhat daunting, but I’ve learned that if I start my planning 4-6 weeks out, I don’t have the anxiety that often comes with the last minute house cleaning de-leavening fiasco. 

     I started laying out my Passover preparation this week.  This is my Pre-Pre-Planning Week!!  Next week is my ACTUAL PRE-PLANNING WEEK!  Giving myself a planning week gives me a chance to get myself in gear and have a strategy all mapped out.  That includes updating my cleaning regimen and creating printable lists that can go in my Happy Planner…which, of course, I’m sharing.  J  This is the week that I assess our Holy Day outfits and plan for purchases I need to make to complete them.  This is when I get a tote out and start putting chametz into it as I come across it the next few weeks in the kitchen.  I also assess other supplies that might be needed (new church notebooks, special Passover week foods, etc.)

     I’ve learned to start planning my preparation by working backwards from the week of Passover to layout my cleaning schedule.   I like to leave the week before (or the week of, if starts late in the week) pretty open so that I can do last minute chores and not feel a hectic rush to get it all done!  Since Day 1 of Pesach is on Tuesday, April 11 this year (starting Monday night at sundown) I’m using the week of Apr 2-8 as my “1 Week Before”.  This is when the goal is to RELAX and finish last minute tasks like cleaning out the vehicles, last minute vacuuming (and cleaning out that vacuum!!), sweeping, mopping, and making the matzo!

     Depending on how large my home is I may need to start cleaning 5-6 weeks out (right now I have 2 bedrooms on an upper level that aren’t used, so I can shut the stairway door for the week of Pesach and not worry about it.)  This year, 4 weeks is plenty for me to get everything done and not be stressed about it!   However, since I was making new stickers anyway, I went ahead and added extra weeks of planning for when I might need it.

After printing them out, I put the applicable dates next to that row and Passover dates at the top!

     5 Weeks Before I have set aside for the extra rooms such as children’s bedrooms, guest bedrooms and extra bathrooms.

     4 Weeks Before I start into the part of the house where WE live, but where guests (and children) can be kept out of most of the time for the next couple weeks!  Yes, I know, this isn’t always possible, but  it’s a good time to implement the “nothing but water bottles” rule for the house!  I clean the master bedroom, the master closet (2 in our room!), the office, linen closet, coat closet, and the big open space of the basement—if you have such a space—I do and unfortunately, I can’t close it off for the week!

     3 Weeks Before I move into the workhorse of the house.  I attack the laundry room, main bathroom, family room, back porch (sun porch, etc), and the basement bathroom (if you have one).

     2 Weeks Before I’m still in full swing finishing the workhorse part of the house with the living room, dining room, and the kitchen—which I allotted a couple solid days for (maybe three!)

     To download my THP Passover Planning, click the link below and download it directly from dropbox.   😎  Remember to link back if you share and send me instagram pictures of how you use them!  #myharrydlife 

The Happy Planner Passover Planning Squares

     Keep in mind that my lists are NOT all-inclusive cleaning lists, they are reminders of key things for each room.  Of course, things like cleaning INSIDE the trash can and not just emptying the trash are not included, but these are more of a reminder list than anything since I’ve been doing Passover cleaning my whole life!  I’ve also learned that I come up with extra chores for myself as the weeks go on, so I’ve included extra lines and extra stickers.  I’ll probably be updating this printable next Pesach with my notes from this year!  Just in case someone needs anything extra, I included a yellow row of completely blank lists!

Shabbat Shalom and Happy Pesach!

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